About Angela

This is Angela. Some of you may be looking at this page because you already know her, but some of you may be here because you were told about her plight. For those of you who haven't been lucky enough to meet Angela, let me tell you a bit about her. She is one of the sweetest, most compassionate people you could ever hope to meet. She is the kind of friend everyone should be lucky enough to have, one of those people that animals and children are drawn to. She loves dancing, spending time with her family, going for walks, and being an active member of our community.

Four years ago, Angela woke up and couldn't feel her arms and legs.Since that day, it has progressed to the point where she spends every second of every day in constant pain. She has compared it to that feeling you get when your leg has been asleep for a long time, and your circulation comes back. She says it is like that painful tingly sensation, only more INTENSE, and all over. She can't sit for long periods of time because of the painful pressure it puts on her nerves, and therefore is on her feet almost constantly. In spite of all this, she is still optimistic, quick to smile and tell a joke, and a joy to be around.

After seeing a top neurologist, much imaging and multiple tests over the last two+ years, Angela is a 'medical mystery'. In the last year, her condition has worsened at an alarming rate. She has gone from getting around on her own, to having to walk with a cane. Angela's history has been woven with dedicated work and high physical activity -swimming, running, power walking, skiing... Recently work became nearly unbearable so she applied for Federal Disability. Accepted in April 2012, she was able to stop working, and start focusing on her health. Unfortunately, this month (June 2012) Angela lost her Medicaid coverage. We have been told there is nothing we can do about it. Her monthly benefits barely cover her Rent + Bills, let alone her medications (upwards of $600/month for the 20 pills per day she is currently taking to reduce pain and control her symptoms), continuing to see a doctor regularly, and trying to find out what is going on with her body.

 There are several procedures she would like to have done (such as the one mentioned in this link) to at least significantly reduce her pain, live her life as fully as possible and maybe even allow her to work again. The procedures and doctors are so expensive and most of the professionals who perform them won't even see a patient if they are uninsured.

Ultimately, we would like to be able to raise both money and awareness for Angela. We would like to be able to send her to a an advanced Neurological or Pain specialist, and perhaps even to the Mayo clinic to provide insight and help her problem. The current neurologist who described Angela as a "Medical Mystery," has been providing treatment similar to ones received by patients with MS, even though her test results are more severe than those typically seen with MS patients. We would also like to be able to raise money to help her get a lawyer and try to get back on Medicaid so that she can afford to continue taking her medications.

If you, or anyone you know is interested in making a contribution to the Silent Auction, or helping Angela out in other ways, please email Nikki Prindle at benefit.for.angela@gmail.com

Know someone who might be able to help? Please share our page!

 Thank you!

 Nikki Prindle

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